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Sunday, 5 February 2012

PLAYING A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT - You are never too old!

Playing a musical instrument for me is one of the most rewarding pastimes I know, whether you are playing: piano, guitar, drums, trumpet, violin or triangle, to make music is awesome. From playing at Wembley Stadium to sitting in your bedroom amounts to the same thing, music in my view covers all requirements. I have to admit that I learnt to play at a young age, reading music went hand in hand with learning the trumpet so I would say it is easier to start young. Adults lead busy lives and finding time to play 3 chords or a scale every day for 10 minutes can often be difficult. However all musicians would confess that you never stop learning, there is always someone who knows a bit more than you or something new.

As adults we can find ourselves learning alone which can have motivation issues.together with "I have no time" adds up to a non-starting scenario, we have all been there!. It is not all doom and gloom for us adults who want to learn, there are Tutors and courses to engage, if money is an issue then ask around, friends are a good source, or use Twitter or Facebook to get your message out that you want to learn. Another source for tuition which is a massive help, and free is YouTube, hundreds of tuition vids for you to learn from, don't you just love today's technology?
The most important element to this is to persevere, it is hard work to start with I will admit but once you have got over the initial making a sound and have a routine then you should be hooked. The other way to keep the interest is to join a music group. My early brass playing days were immersed in the local brass band, I felt a part of a team, interacted with seasoned players and fresh starters, today I am still part of the same band, I have made great friends and learnt so much about music and myself.

I was 18 when I started to teach myself guitar, 32 years on and I am still playing, learning everyday and meeting new people. My new project The 142's Band involves playing Guitar with 2 great guys, another new era has started and my music journey continues - awesome

If you are thinking about it now then please think about this: if you are having a bitch of a day and you can take yourself away from it by immersing yourself in music by playing an instrument then it must be worth giving it more than a thought.


Friday, 3 February 2012


Redundancy is a word that is a long way from our lips when employed. When someone says "I've just been made redundant" we have a reaction which is to show empathy and positivity without really understanding what it means. Yes we know it means you have no job, however there is more to understand. A feeling of being unwanted, low self-esteem, useless and no control of your own life. This sounds heavy but "hey" have you been there? The problem that I am facing is that I need to provide for my family and I need to have a reason for getting up in the morning. I need to work. Unfortunately I have no redundancy money so self funding is the only way to live, I am lucky that my lovely wife brings in her salary however savings can only go so far and with debt and living expenses the deadline looms.
So what have I done so far in a month? Well I have had my head buried online, registered with recruitment agencies and browsed the papers. Applied for about 20 jobs, some well paid, some not so well paid, a few rejections and a few pending decision for interviews. The days seem to go twice as quick when unemployed, also my tolerance for people moning about their job seems to be none existent, a symptom of redundancy I expect.
January has now gone and it is the start of another month, what will Feb bring? Keep your fingers crossed for a result this month, I wish all of you looking for a job the best of luck, if you have any comments please feel free.
Cheers Keeny